Los Angeles Workers’ Compensation Attorney
Welcome to www.KnowYourRightsAtWork.com, a project of the Clayton Perry Law Office For Injured Workers, APC.
This website is intended to provide workers in California with a general overview of Workers’ Compensation and Employment Law. The website is designed with the idea of providing everything that most workers in California need to know and nothing that most workers in California do not need to know. It is not a complete overview of the law and exceptions to the general information presented here do exist in unusual situations. It is Attorney Clayton Perry’s opinion that it is worth the time and effort of nearly every worker in California to read through the entire contents of this website. That being said, the law is constantly changing and therefore it cannot be guaranteed that the information presented here is up to date. This information should not be relied on to make legal decisions without first consulting an attorney.
Notice: Reading the information on this website does not establish an attorney-client relationship with Clayton J. Perry, Esq.